Basic Elements in an online and blended course

This rubric adapted from the University of Illinois (2010), contains the basic elements to design an online course on a  VLE:

1. Instructional Design

1.1 Structure - content by week, topic, social etc.

1.2 Learning Goals/Objectives/Outcomes

1.3 Course Information - course description, instructor information, grading policy, timeline, technical competences need to complete the course

1.4 Instructional Strategies - presentation of content, modes of delivery of content

1.5 Academic Integrity - copyright/plagiarism, fair use, code of conduct

1.6 Use of Multimedia - audio, video

2. Communication, Interaction and Collaboration

2.1 Activities and Opportunities - Student-Student, Student-Instructor, Student-Content

2.2 Organisation and Management - Different fora for community and coursework

2.3 Group Work

3. Student Evaluation and Assessment

3.1 Goals and Objectives - clear explanation, clear alignment with objectives

3.2 Strategies - different assessment modes used, ongoing assessment, academic integrity

3.3 Grades - clear explanation of grading system including penalties

3.4 Feedback - how/when/what feedback will be provided by instructor

3.5 Management - deadlines, how to submit etc

4. Learner Support and Resources

4.1 Institutional/Programme Support and Resources - policies, technical support

4.2 Academic Support and Resources - glossary, links to institutions’ other academic resources

5. Web Design - dictated by MOODLE and the applied interface

5.1 Layout Design

5.2 Use of Multimedia - video, interactive content

5.3 Use of Images

5.4 Links/Navigation

5.5 Accessibility - for students with visual, audio impairment

6. Course Evaluation - dictated by VLE (MOODLE or other) and the applied interface

6.1 Layout/Instructional Design/Content

Last modified: Tuesday, 6 September 2016, 9:33 AM